Friday, June 5, 2015

ClassFlow - Smartnote and Flipchart files

We all know at this point that Google Drive does not support Smart Notebook and Active Inspire Flipcharts...but what if there was an easier work around?  Some way for us to still utilize these great files that is through a program called ClassFlow.  ClassFlow allows teachers to:
  • Synchronize Classroom Devices- Compatible with Chromebooks, laptops, tablets, SMART & Promethean Boards and interactive projectors; with iOS, Android and Windows operating systems. 
  • Integrate Lesson Content From Anywhere- PDFs, Microsoft® Word & PowerPoint® presentation manager, video or image files, SMART Notebook® files, & Promethean ActivInspire Flipcharts, Google Drive™, OneDrive®, Dropbox®, ClassFlow Drive, external & local drives and the internet. 
  • Foster Whole Class Participation and Collaboration 
  • Assess Student Comprehension in the Moment of Learning 
  • Expand and Customize Assessments 
  • Administer Self-Paced Tests 
  • Assign leveled assessments that can be completed by each student at his or her own pace.

You can easily log on by clicking the Login button in the top right corner and then logging in through your Ramapo Google Account.

Through ClassFlow you can connect your Google Drive account, upload FlipChart, Smartnote, or any other files you may still need that may not be fully compatible with the Google Drive!

You can also set up a CLASSROOM and SMALL GROUPS where you can assess students! ClassFlow even has a student app for the Ipad or to have students access the app through a computer, laptop or chromebook go to


  1. Wow, ClassFlow seems like a game-changer! Finally, a way to utilize Smartnote and Flipchart files with ease. Can't wait to try it out!
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