Thursday, October 30, 2014

Logging into the Chrome Browser

Many people have been asking me, "Why aren't my bookmarks showing up?" "Why aren't my bookmarks saving?" WELL...the answer is simple as Logging into the Chrome Browser each and every time you log into the computer.  Now some of you might be asking, "How is this different than logging into my Google Account?" When you log ONLY into your Google Account (on a desktop computer NOT A CHROMEBOOK) you are accessing items like your GMail, Google Drive, Calendar (if you use this feature) and other additional features in the Google Suite.  BUT when you log into Google Chrome you are logging yourself into the entire Browser which will then sync and save your bookmarks, apps, and extensions from computer to computer wherever you sign on.

To do this: Click on the three lines in the right upper corner of the chrome web browser and click sign in to chrome 

This will bring you to a page that looks EXACTLY LIKE THE GOOGLE LOGIN SCREEN.  Log in with your District Google username and password.

Click Sign in.

Click Link Data (Your pop up might look slightly different than mine [link data might be on the left not right])

Click "Ok, got it!"

To Verify that your account if synced, see if your bookmarks and any extensions you may have had are there.  You can also click back on the three lines on the upper right side and see if (instead of sign into Chrome) it now says your username.

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