Thursday, November 13, 2014


Ever wanted to try using Google forms but didn't know where to start or just how to use them? Wanted to give an online test but thought, "Ugg it's going to take me so long to grade!" WELL...TRY FLUBAROO!! This is a great auto grading program in which you create your quiz, test or survey in Google Forms and then add the Flubaroo add on in spreadsheet and VOILA! Graded assignment with data and all!! It will even email the information back to the students with their answers and an answer key (if you want).

Here you will find a Youtube video that explains how to use the Flubaroo add on.  Below the video you will find screen shots that will take you from inception of the form to collecting and emailing students their grades (if you wanted to).


Share the link with students (through Google Classroom or other means).  Click on SEND FORM. 

Collecting Data: 

First take the test (Go to the live form, just as the students would) and complete the test with the correct answers.  

Scroll down and click accept!!

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